Wednesday 1 February 2012

ganga story for the bishma orn

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Bishma birth story:

. Bhishma was born as the first son of the illustrious King Shantanu and Ganga.
 .Shantanu saw Ganga on the banks of River Ganga and enamoured of her beauty, asked her to marry him.
. She agreed but with the condition that Shantanu would never question her, no matter what her actions   if he ever broke his promise, she would leave him, never to be a part of his life again
. Shantanu readily agreed to this  condition and was  married to Ganga.
. Eight children were born to this union, the eighth of which was Bhishma himself.
.The seven siblings born before him were drowned by their mother Ganga in order to break their curse as they were incarnations of the aforementioned Vasus, who do not like to live the life of Humans.
.Shantanu silently bore the torture of watching his wife drown his offspring seven times.
.However, when Ganga was about to drown Bhishma, Shantanu could no longer contain his anguish and burst into protest.
. Ganga, aware of the eighth child's destiny to live a long life on earth, did not drown the child.
. However, since Shantanu had broken his promise given to her at marriage, she left Shantanu promising to return the child to him once he is grown up.
.During his time with his mother  Bhishma learnt political science from Brihaspati, the guru of the Devas, Vedas and Vedangas from RishiVasishta, and archery from Parashurama,  also known as Bhargava.
.He was also called  as 'Bhishma Pitamaha' (Pitamaha meaning the grandfather or grandsire) among the Pandavas and the Kauravas.
.He was a well known knowledgeable of Politics person

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